Saturday, October 31, 2015

DrivewaySpikes are great for those with vacation homes that may find their driveway a haven beach visitors parking.

Friday, October 30, 2015

Driving on a rubber product? How long can that last? Hmmmm? Yup.Recycled tires are pretty tough stuff.Considering how long a tire lasts on your car. @drivewayspikes #drivewayspikes

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Drivewayspikes .U-turn scenario.
Lost drivers are looking for an easy place to turn around.
 When you are lost,no doubt the frustration level is high.
The first driveway is the target.Pull in,maybe a bit to fast without actually looking in.
It's amazing how blinded you can become by your situation.
 @drivewayspikes #drivewayspikes

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Drivewayspikes help create a type of driveway barrier that allows for a safer situation for your Family.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

I have invented Drivewayspikes to solve an ongoing problem we had at our home. There was enough interest,so we turned it into a business
Drivewayspikes create a visual driveway barrier. They has the appearance of a tire puncturing device. Harmless,will not damage any vehicle.The "Spikes" are rubber.Our base is recycled tires.
Stop unwanted cars from entering your driveway.
From old farts to Mom's playing in their driveway with the children,Drivewayspikes fills a need to maintain safety for you and family.Keep your driveway private.

So far reaction from customers makes it worth the effort.All have been positve and encouraging. They report %100 effective. Proudly made in America

Family Safety

There is no reason to pull into my driveway to turn around. @drivewayspikes #drivewayspikes

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Drivewayspikes placed at the end of driveways help provide safety for Adults and Children using their driveways for recreational activities like basketball and other sports.


Monday, October 19, 2015

A 4-year-old boy injured Monday after being struck by a car pulling into the driveway of the boy’s home in Pierre Part.
The driver pulling into the driveway did not see the child, deputies said.

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Driveway Safety

             Reason # 54812891 to use Drivewayspikes

"A car pulls into my driveway hitting my car while I am backing up"

Saturday, October 17, 2015

  • Heavy weight.One inch thick, 6 ” wide. Over 6 pounds. Will not blow away.22″ Drivewayspikes handles up to a 14 ‘ driveway.
  • Feed back from every customer to date ,is Drivewaypikes is %100 effective for them.
  • @drivewayspikes #drivewayspikes. WWW.DRIVEWAYSPIKES.COM

Friday, October 16, 2015

Driveway Intruders?

My home is on a fairly busy street and lately I've had people actually using my circular driveway to make u-turns.
It wouldn't be so bad... except to say my driveway goes around my house not in front of it.
Is there anything I can do... short of installing a fence... to keep these intruders out??? ‪#‎Drivewayspikes‬ @Drivewayspikes.