Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Drivewayspikes can be purchased online with free shipping. There’s no installation required. No damage occurs to the tire of the vehicles driving forward or backwards on them because of the rubber “spikes”.
Drivewayspikes llc

Monday, April 18, 2016

We can all use a little less to worry about
Sure, accidents happen, especially when you have kids. But being prepared can prevent many or stop them becoming more serious.
Our home safety product is simple to install and use.
It pays to be safe

Saturday, April 9, 2016

  1. Our passion is also our mission: to promote safety and peace of mind by reducing unnecessary traffic that fosters an unsafe environment and the needless wear and tear of your driveway. Our invention, Drivewayspikes is a revolutionary tool designed to discourage unwanted traffic while protecting children, grownups, and pets due to its unique family friendly, driver-beware patented design.

Friday, April 8, 2016

Dedicated to eliminating unnecessary driveway traffic thereby adding to the safety of children, pets, and adults on their own property. By way of a simple yet effective patented design we have invented a family-friendly tool that discourages unnecessary driveway traffic, thereby creating a safer home environment.

Friday, April 1, 2016


Supporting American Jobs Through American Spending can rejuvenate our economy and stimulate growth in all industries.
Teach our young the trades and skill we learned for our ancestors.
 It's time to begin again and re-grow America!