Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Kiera writes...
So this is a bit peevy. I know. But I have a constant problem of people turning around in my driveway. I am the first driveway on a back road off a heavily traveled state road, so my driveway is a natural place for people to turn around. I guess I wouldn't really mind it except its not an easy driveway because it is a deceptive angle and has rock walls on both sides. This morning a SUV with boat trailer decided to make the turn around in my driveway and there was no way he was going to back a trailer out without going onto the lawn (his fatal error was pulling in, rather than backing in). The guy tore up the lawn and I had to help him unhitch and move his boat trailer off my lawn. He apologized and I could tell he felt bad, it was a mistake, but my driveway is not a public road. This is not the first time and it wont be the last.

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