Thursday, March 3, 2016

No. It's my driveway, damn it.
The other day, I was poised to pull westward out of my driveway, the way I always go to start my journey to visit my sister who lives about forty miles away. I was checking traffic before I even attempted to pull into the road when someone started pulling into the lot part of my driveway, looking to make a u-turn and go back eastbound down the street. Where they ended up going was right in the way of me seeing oncoming traffic, so we ended up reaching an impasse.
Apparently, me trying to get out of my driveway was taking too long for this person, so they honked at me. It's annoying enough when people honk at you in the streets for something you can't help, let alone on your own property. As I was still technically safely within my own driveway and not yet pulled into the road, I simply parked my car on the spot, turned it off, and got out. The other person looked like they were about to get out of their car to confront me, but all I did was walk through my driveway lot, through my lawn, up to my front door, and into my house. You know, leaving my car right in their way.
Bitch had to back
up into the road and make a U-turn down the street.
Don't honk at me in my own driveway, damn it.

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